
Lost in London

Oscar Wilde said, “The man who can dominate a London dinner-table can dominate the world.” I cannot think of a more fitting quote to match this moment - right here, right now. I am a true believer in saying if never you go, you will never know. Thus here I am in London chasing dreams, catching the underground, drinking tea and hanging out with Prince Harry (a girl can only dream). 
After saving for months and selling my life (READ: wardrobe) on Ebay and finally getting rid of my bomb of a Greek DJ music playing car (another story for another day), I am here with fashion world domination in mind. I have an internship with a fashion PR agency on the go, and a casual job at a bar up the road from my gorgeous little town house not to far from Wimbledon. Things seem to be pottering along quite nicely, there is only one slightly, tiny, insignificant problem that could get in the way… I am already down to my last pounds. That’s pounds as in dollars for you information, not weight. When I shared my fears of not being able to experience London due to lack of cash flow with a friend he responded with, “But that is the experience”. So I am going to go with that in mind and say, “Thank gosh for credit cards”. 
Many locals have asked “But why London?” I want to respond with, “You have heard of the Spice Girls right?” The truth is I cannot think of a better place to see the world all in one city. Being so close to Europe truly allows for a sense of multiculturalism and learning home cannot offer. London is a melting pot of different people, places, fashion and every little thing in between. Everyday I still feel like I am discovering something new. Whether it is a new café or market, maybe making a new friend or working out a quicker bus route – surprisingly satisfactory - London feels so open and full of opportunities.    
Being the ‘one with the accent’ is something I am still getting used to. I’m sure I come across a bit odd when I’m asked where my accent is from and before responding I give stare at them thinking “what accent?” I then answer with, “Australia. South Australia. Adelaide”. I am not really sure how much information is required. At least most people know we don’t ride kangaroos to school. But I have met an awful lot of people who think there are so many sharks they practically walk on land.   
With a tall glass of Pimms, the home of Austin Powers, Portobello Road and seriously good pub burgers, how could I not be falling for this incredible city? I leave you with a few of my favourite London themed songs. I am thinking I could give a could crack at reenacting the Crystal Fighters video…

Brittany ox

p.s Yep, it is starting to get cold.